Saturday, April 23, 2011

Degrassi review (dont read if you havent seen it... spoilers)

1st of all I want to say I am disappointed Degrassi.... I thought someone would die...or SOMETHING would happen instead of Jenna having her baby (wasn't that the hype for the LAST part of season 10?) and the end of eclair (which we knew was going to happen) over all this episode pissed me off and is making me question whether or not to tune in next season.  I wanted 'time stands still' (rick shooting) and got nothing... just a typical boring OVERhyped episode.  I don't think I’d be soo annoyed if this episode wasn't soo hyped. Now onto the episode review/summary in detail:
Claire and eli
I know there are tons of sad Eclair fans out there, but they did need to break up. The begging of the episode was good; the gun in the car sort of excited me about the episode (even though nothing happened with the gun).  Claire told Eli's parents Eli crashed his car because Claire said she hated it.  Then at the hospital Claire had Ali in her head and screamed your Manipulating me!  I don't think he was Claire, I think he was out of his mind and thought his car was the issue. Eli needs help.  I hope next season we see him get his help.  Overall this story line wasn’t great....WHY DIDN'T ANYONE DIE??!?!!??!?!

Fiona, Holly J, and Anya

Loved it! Was funny and honest... My favorite line was from Anya: I think you're my only non-gay friend. <- to Holly J.  But Anya F-Ed up by telling Holly J. (who tried to handle it right but failed miserably).  In all reality Holly J should have known after Fiona kissed her at the Bobby trial I was glad in the end they (Holly J and Fiona) were friends.  It's wired having Anya join the friendship, but I'm willing to give it a chance (are you?)

Jenna and K.C

Hope you enjoy the old pic!  But this was a little too predictable for me... I knew she would have the baby...she's like REALLY pregnant.... I think the baby is a girl wau? The K.C story line was never finished... did he get away from Bianca?

if you did like the episode and want to download  it (for free) go here:
I'll try to out upload links in all my reviews (no promises)

and here is the preview for season 11

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